Welcome to the consultation website for our plans for the redevelopment of the Brunswick, Scarborough
Like much of the UK retail sector, the Brunswick is facing some significant challenges. The demise of Debenhams and Arcadia was a significant loss for the centre and has led to a dramatic reduction in footfall which is no longer sustainable.
Over the last year, we’ve been working with Scarborough Borough Council on our proposed scheme and are delighted to to announce that, on Thursday 9 March 2023, members of the Council’s Planning and Development Committee voted unanimously in favour of granting planning permission of the multi-million pound redevelopment.

Our Plans

Our proposals will convert and adapt parts of the existing building – inside and out – to deliver a cinema-led destination that will also feature other activity and leisure operators, restaurants and cafes, shops, etc.

Our goal is to provide an outstanding new leisure destination for the local community as well as the town’s many holidaymakers, day-trippers and other visitors.
Our plans include:

Cinema use
Up to 30,000 sq ft
(2,787.06 sq m)

Commercial/ Retail space
Up to 135,000 sq ft
(12,541.8 sq m)

A remodelled car park, brought up to modern standards, and with a modest increase in the number of spaces
Key Benefits

Our aim is to support Scarborough Borough Council’s strategic objective of becoming the best performing coastal town centre in England by 2025 and the primary economic hub for retail, leisure, learning and living within the Yorkshire coast area.
The redevelopment of the Brunswick seeks to achieve the following benefits:

Enhanced leisure and night time economy offer so that more people choose to visit and stay longer

Improved parking facilities to create a more accessible destination

New jobs for local people to improve the town’s economic output

New entrance to Somerset Terrace opening up connections to South Bay and the Esplanade

Stimulate the regeneration of the wider town centre and act as a catalyst for further investment
About the developer

The renewed vision for the Brunswick is being brought forward by Scarborough Group International.
We are one of the UK’s most active, privately-owned, property regeneration and placemaking specialists.
From our origins in Scarborough in the 1970s, we have grown from a UK-based real estate company into a global organisation with an award-winning portfolio of projects. From workspaces to homes, industrial spaces to shopping centres, we create inspiring spaces for people to live, work and enjoy. We have maintained our base in Scarborough throughout.
In the UK alone, we have delivered over 9,100,000 sq ft of commercial space and 3,800 residential units, with a further 3,700,000 sq ft of commercial space and 1,600 residential units in the pipeline.
Like much of the UK retail sector, the Brunswick is facing some significant challenges. The demise of Debenhams and Arcadia was a significant loss for the centre and has led to a dramatic reduction in footfall which is no longer sustainable. Scarborough Group International acquired the Brunswick in September 2021 with the intention of redeveloping it to create a more diversified, leisure-led offering.
Our aim is to support Scarborough Borough Council’s strategic objective of becoming the best performing coastal town centre in England by 2025 and the primary economic hub for retail, leisure, learning and living within the Yorkshire coast area.
The redevelopment of the Brunswick seeks to achieve the following benefits:
• Enhanced leisure and night time economy offer so that more people choose to visit and stay longer
• Improved parking facilities to create a more accessible destination
• New entrance to Somerset Terrace opening up connections to South Bay and the Esplanade
• Stimulate the regeneration of the wider town centre and act as a catalyst for further investment
• New jobs for local people to improve the town’s economic output
Our proposals will convert and adapt parts of the building – inside and out – to deliver a cinema-led centre that will also feature other activity and leisure businesses, restaurants and cafes, shops, etc.
Our goal is to provide an outstanding new leisure destination for the local community as well as the town’s many holidaymakers, day-trippers and other visitors.
Our proposals include:
• Up to 30,000 sq ft (2,787.06 sq m) for cinema use
• Up to 135,000 sq ft (12,541.8 sq m) commercial / retail space
• A remodelled car park, brought up to modern standards, and with a with a modest increase in the number of spaces
Above are a selection of CGIs of the proposed scheme. Please note these are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change.
The current masterplan has been shaped and refined following an extended period of engagement with prospective occupiers, our design team and advisers, and Scarborough Borough Council. The plans will evolve further in response to the needs of businesses that wish to take space in the building, and through consultation and the planning process, but we do not anticipate any significant changes.
Rather than demolishing and rebuilding the existing centre, we are committed to retaining, refurbishing and extending the existing façade and concrete frame, thereby significantly reducing the amount of embodied carbon within the building. Any materials that cannot be reutilised will be recycled in order to keep them in-use for as long as possible.
As part of the redevelopment works we also plan to upgrade the centre’s heating, lighting, and mechanical and electrical systems, which will significantly reduce the centre’s operational carbon emissions.
It is likely that we will need to operate a phased closure of the centre during the construction works for health and safety reasons. We are currently engaging with all retailers on a one-to-one basis to discuss their options.
There are a large number of vacant retail units within the centre at present which is not sustainable, and of course the growth of on-line retail has caused a nationwide reduction in the demand for shopping space.
We are currently engaging with all retailers on a one-to-one basis to discuss their options, which may mean relocating elsewhere. We expect that this will provide opportunities for other property owners in the town centre to benefit by providing space to these occupiers.
In addition to helping any displaced tenants identify alternative premises, a number of construction jobs will be made available to the local workforce as part of the redevelopment project.
We also plan to hold a Careers Day, inviting local educational and employment partners alongside our supply chain, where we will showcase the various construction opportunities that will be available.
We anticipate several hundred new jobs will also be created through the operation of the redeveloped centre.
The redevelopment of the Brunswick forms part of Scarborough Borough Council’s strategic objective of becoming the best performing coastal town centre in England by 2025 and the primary economic hub for retail, leisure, learning and living within the Yorkshire coast area. As such, it will be funded mainly by private investment but with public sector support where necessary, specifically drawing on Scarborough Borough Council’s Future High Street Fund and Levelling Up Fund allocation. We are currently working with the Council to establish a financial package that will ensure the best value for money for the public purse.
With the support of our advisors we have undertaken extensive analysis into all potential uses for the Brunswick and are confident that there are strong levels of demand for our proposed scheme. In particular, Scarborough and its wider catchment lack a modern cinema complex, and with a significant visitor-driven element to its economy, there is a clear opportunity to fill that void.
The scheme will be anchored by a multi-screen cinema complex. The number of screens will be agreed with the chosen cinema operator, which has not yet been decided. We will announce the name of the operator and scale of the cinema once it has been agreed.
The cinema will be operated by one of the country’s established chains, and we are currently in discussion with a number of them, following a thorough and open marketing process. We initially held conversations with 12 operators which was shortlisted down to 5 interested parties.
There will be a combination of national brands and local independent businesses. Announcements will be made as and when terms have been agreed.
No. This will not be possible due to health and safety reasons. Nearby alternative parking facilities are available as follows:
- Palm Court Hotel, Vernon Road, Scarborough, YO11 2ES. 130 spaces
- NCP Scarborough Balmoral, North Street, Scarborough, YO11 1LU. 397 spaces
There will be intermitted road closures throughout the duration of the works but we will minimise any disruption and provide advance notice so alternative plans can be made.
A development project of this scale is complex and challenging and requires a construction partner with the experience, expertise and resources necessary to deliver it. We are currently negotiating terms with our preferred contractor and will announce the details as soon as possible.
We are aiming to submit our planning application before the end of the year with a view to being on site by the end of 2023 (subject to planning). We anticipate the finished scheme will be open in early 2025.
We have set up a consultation website and email address, which has been widely advertised through our social media channels, in order to give the general public an opportunity to comment on the proposals before they are submitted to the Local Planning Authority. The details are as follows:
W: brunswickconsultation.com
E: hello@brunswickconsultation.com
We have also displayed exhibition boards in the windows of Unit 12 in the centre (next to Esquires). Electronic and hard copies are also available for anyone unable to access them in person.
They can also be downloaded here.
A Statement of Community Involvement detailing the feedback received as part of this process will be submitted alongside the planning application, which is due to be submitted before the end of 2022.
We will continue to hold regular briefings with key stakeholders throughout the redevelopment process.
Customers and visitors will be communicated to via press releases, e-newsletters and the Brunswick web and social media channels.
The Brunswick consultation website brunswickconsultation.com will also be updated on a regular basis and any questions can be emailed direct to hello@brunswickconsultation.com.